Monday, 28 March 2011

Sapardi Djoko Damono

"Maka pada suatu pagi hari ia ingin sekali menangis sambil berjalan tunduk sepanjang lorong itu. Ia ingin pagi itu hujan turun rintik-rintik dan lorong sepi agar ia bisa berjalan sendiri saja sambil menangis dan tak ada orang bertanya kenapa.

Ia tidak ingin menjerit-jerit berteriak-teriak mengamuk memecahkan cermin membakar tempat tidur. Ia hanya ingin menangis lirih saja sambil berjalan sendiri dalam hujan rintik-rintik di lorong sepi pada suatu pagi."

Sapardi Djoko Damono

Sunday, 20 March 2011

define it yourself

pain is a pain when you define it as a pain
happiness is all arounds when you try to think that every lil crap called happiness
happy mid-term test people :)
and happy birthday pisces

dear Mom

i'll wait until June :)

Friday, 18 March 2011

lucky man

Some people say you’re a lucky man

To win the first prize lottery

Some people say you’re a lucky man

To have a high-flying bright career

But I know they’re wrong

And I’m sure they’re wrong

Some people say you’re a lucky man

To have a lot of friends out there

Some people say you’re a lucky man

To have doors open everywhere

But I know they’re wrong

You’re a very lucky man

To know such a girl like her :)

Mocca-Lucky Man